martedì 2 settembre 2014

This is not carbonara! Panna e prosciutto

Few posts ago I was complaining about how carbonara is so often mistreated aboard.
The funny thing that I noticed is that the normally foreign served carbonara is actually an Italian food, it is just not carbona. It is the so called “panna e prosciutto”, i.e. simply cream and ham. A very easy and simple recipe often used like quick and easy dinner if the fridge is empty and I am late.
Let´s see how a panna e prosciutto sauce is prepared so that you can see the big difference by yourself with a carbonara.
Remember, the key ingredient in the carbonara sauce is the eggs! Now read the recipe below and compare. 

For 2
250g pasta
80g ham cut in a thick slice (3-5mm)
200ml fresh cream

Start heating the salted water and when boiling add the pasta and cook according time on the package 

In the meanwhile place ham pieces on a nonstick pan and after couple fo minutes add the fresh cream. sprinkle a pinch of salt and cook at low heat until the sauce get thick. Take care to not let the cream reach the boiling point (like indeed in the picture below :( )

When ready grate some nutmeg and remove from fire.

Strain the pasta and blend with the sauce. If too dry add 1 or 2 spoons of noodles water.
Add generously parmesan and enjoy!

Good noodles for panna&prosciutto are penne. An other very classic (and very good!) combo is with the tortellini!

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